“There are many things money can buy, but the most valuable of all is freedom. Freedom to do what you want and to work for whom you respect.” — J. L. Collins, A Simple Path to Wealth

Latest Conversations

Taking Control of Credit Card Usage: Your Path to Financial Freedom
Taking control of credit card usage should be a priority in designing your path to financial freedom. Credit card debt ...

Maximize Your Savings: Proven Strategies to Increase Your Savings
Do you want to maximize your savings rate? Do you find yourself dipping into your savings account often for things ...

Being Intentional: A Guide To Your Successful ‘No Spend’ Month
One thing I have found effective in pursuing financial independence, is being intentional. For me, intent means I am designing ...

The Best of Financial Independence
There are many financial independence resources on the internet. Here are some of my favorites.
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Email: eliza@yourfipath.com
I am very passionate about personal finance, but I am not a financial advisor. The content on this website is for educational purposes only.